volunteering opportunities

Now more than ever, we need volunteer support from everyone in our Nativity School community!


The Home School Association’s fundraising efforts account for 17% of the school’s budget. This generally equates to a fundraising goal of approximately $120,000. Those funds provide support for ski club, athletic teams, sports night and more.

Our fundraising calendar features two major events and several smaller ones throughout the year. Our signature event and biggest fundraiser is Oktoberfest, which takes place in September. There is generally also a spring fundraiser that accounts for the next biggest contribution toward our goal. And from there, holiday sales, scrip gift cards, and other smaller events add to our funds.

From donations and sponsorships to volunteering and attending, we strongly encourage participation from all Nativity families. You’ll receive emails from the HSA regarding upcoming events and the needs that go with them. Thank you for your support!



SCRIP Order Form 12 2020

The concept is simple: Schools purchase gift certificates, or scrip, from popular retailers at a discount, which the retailers are happy to give because they’re guaranteeing themselves customers and some goodwill advertising. Parents then buy the gift certificates from the school at face value. The difference in price is kept by the school. Parents spend the scrip at the retailer, where it’s worth the full face value; they haven’t spent an extra dime to help the school, nor have they had to change stores.

To purchase SCRIP cards, please see the parish business office in the Nativity Welcome Center or call 662-9339 ext 125.

Coming Soon. School uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger
Shop local ay McKay's on Abbott Raod