Staying in Touch with Old Friends
Nativity is very interested in collecting information on its alumni. Alumni are a vital part of the Nativity Family. We want to keep in touch and keep you informed.
We would also like to encourage alumni to help the school any way they can either by giving donations, education box tops, buying script or choosing Nativity as their United Way contribution.
Please send us your information so we can keep you in the loop. Let us know what you are up to since leaving Nativity and how Nativity helped prepare you for life!
Catholic Alumni Partnership
Dear Alumni,
Nativity of our Lord School is thrilled to be participating in the Catholic Alumni Partnership or CAP as it is commonly referred. CAP is a new project aimed at helping Catholic elementary schools reconnect with their alumni. Ultimately, the CAP vision is to create a sustainable fundraising program for every Catholic elementary school, with alumni support as its foundation.
Today, the Catholic Alumni Partnership includes:
• 7 archdioceses and the dioceses in New York and Connecticut
• 303 schools
• 100,000 elementary school students
Catholic elementary schools are faced with tremendous challenges today. While our product is positive and our students excel academically and athletically, other indicators are straining our schools. Dwindling populations, depressed economic times and rising tuition costs are just a few of the hurdles our schools are facing.
The students at Nativity of our Lord recently celebrated our 100th anniversary. To prepare for the celebration, the children learned about the school’s history. They gained a respectful appreciation for all the contributions and the impact that former students, parents, teachers and administrators have had on how the school looks and operates today. The alumni remain in our prayers here at Nativity.
As alumni of Nativity of our Lord School, you may be interested in supporting the CAP mission. Please go to www.clickyes.com and register your support for Nativity of Our Lord. We are very interested in hearing from you.
I am sure you have wonderful memories of your grammar school education and we want to continue our legacy of educational excellence at Nativity of Our Lord School. Please feel free to send an email and let us know how you’re doing.