Nativity Variety Show – Under the Big Top
This year the Variety Show will take place the evening of Tuesday, March 8th, 2016. The lower grades will be provided skits (pre-K-6th). Grades 7th and 8th have the opportunity to put together a group skit on their own. Individuals may come forward with their own skit (ex. piano song, singing, dance…). Acts should be no more than three minutes.
The younger grades will have a run through/dress rehearsal during their school time. Any one performing their own skit (ex. playing piano, singing a song, dancing, a magic act, etc…) will need to be at the mandatory dress rehearsal Monday, March 7th after school. Anyone bringing forth an individual act must email Mrs. Michelle Rene Gacioch with the name/names in the act, description of act, title, etc….Please have this to Mrs. Gacioch by January 31st at Your child’s individual skit (non-class organized skit) must be presented to Mrs. Gacioch on Tuesday, February 23rd, after school. I must have their commitment by January 31st. At this time the act must be fully prepared. If music is a part of the act, the music must be given to Mrs. Gacioch prior to this date. Parents, it is imperative that you listen to the lyrics and make sure song choice is appropriate!
Monday, March 7th, after school will be the dress rehearsal for grades 5 and 6. Grades 7 and 8 will also need to be at this dress rehearsal if they choose to put together an act. Anyone performing in a group skit, grade 5, 6, 7, 8 and bringing forth their own individual skit, must be present at the after school dress rehearsal Monday, March 7th.
Any questions, email Mrs. Gacioch at