Nativity of Our Lord School

4414 South Buffalo St
Orchard Park, NY 14127
Phone: (716) 662-7572
Fax: (716) 662-3483

Coleen Scott

School Secretary
Isabelle Carpenter

Faculty & Staff »

Oktoberfest Gift Gathering Party – August 7th

Please join us for some barbeque and live music!

August 7th, 2015 at 6:30 pm
77 Wildwood Lane, Orchard Park, NY

Live music provided by Gregg Sansone

RSVP Regrets only by August 4th to
Ed & Lori Cosgrove
at 716-432-5430 or

Guests are asked to bring a gift or monetary donation.
For those needing assistance with gift ideas, a registry has been created at and Reeds&

The gift gathering party is an opportunity for Nativity of Our Lord parents and friends to get together, have fun and bring a donation for the Oktoberfest auction.

**Please note:  This is an adult only gathering.**

Coming Soon. School uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger
Shop local ay McKay's on Abbott Raod